FAQ IDM Berlin Swim

What are risk areas, high incidence areas, and areas of variant of concern?

Classification as a risk area, a high incidence area or area of variant of concern is the result of a joint
analysis and decision-making process by the Federal Ministry of Health, the Federal Foreign Office
and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community. This classification as a risk area is
based on a two-step assessment.
Further information and the list of the areas can be found here. For the English list, please click on
the link under the headline.

Do fully vaccinated people need to go into quarantine?

Currently the same procedure applies for all people, vaccinated or not.

Is the hotel gym open during the IDM?

At the moment, the gym is closed. A reopening is possible, depending on the restrictions regarding
the Corona virus in Berlin.

While being in quarantine, do we have to stay in the room?

If you have to quarantine, you need to stay in your room. Food will be brought to your door.

Is it possible to share rooms during quarantine and during the IDM?

If you arrived together, it is possible to quarantine together as well.

Do we have to quarantine if we take a PCR test before arrival?

The PCR test does not have an impact on the quarantine. All exceptions from the quarantine can be
found here.

Are there exceptions for the quarantine?

Yes there are. If you are part of an international sports event and coming from a risk area you do not
have to quarantine. Please contact the LOC via e-mail under woelke@bsberlin.de to be provided with a document of confirmation. Travelers who have visited a risk area, high incidence area or virus variant area in the last ten days before entering Germany must register at www.einreiseanmeldung.de before arriving in Germany and carry proof of registration with them upon entry. At the moment, no travelers from areas of variant of concern are allowed to enter Germany. Please find the statement here.

We booked the wrong number of rooms. Is it possible to change the booking?

It is possible to change the booking at any time, depending on the hotel’s capacity. However, any changes to the booking after 30 April 2021 will be at your expense. For changes, please contact the LOC via e-mail under hotel@bsberlin.de

Are there testing opportunities for the athletes/staff before the departure?

Any testing that is required before the departure needs to be organized by the team.
For testing opportunities in Berlin, please follow the link: https://test-to-go.berlin/?lang=en

Is it possible to register additional staff?

Depending on the number of registered participants, we will consider accepting requests for
additional staff after the entry deadline on 26 April 2021.
To request additional staff please contact the LOC via e-mail under meldung@idm-schwimmen.de

Can you provide us with the Visa Application Form?

To get your Visa Application Form please contact MS Ulrike Hentschel via e-mail under

If someone is tested positive with Covid-19, what are the following necessary steps or

The local health authorities and the LOC must be contacted. The person needs to self-isolate
immediately and quarantine for 14 days, unless the local health authorities decide otherwise.

What does the All-In Package cost?

The costs depend on the number of team members. In order to receive an offer please contact the
LOC via e-mail under hotel@bsberlin.de

After registering, I did not receive the registration e-mail. What did I do wrong?

If you have any problems with the entry system, please contact the LOC via e-mail under

Is the food in the hotel Halal?

Yes, it is possible to eat Halal in the hotel, they just need to know in advance. Also, if you have other
dietary restrictions or allergies, please contact the LOC via e-mail under hotel@bsberlin.de before 28